Preparing for your BIG day can be pretty overwhelming! Between picking our flowers and coordinating with your planners, sometimes the necessary steps to ensuring your skin and hair are looking fab get forgotten. We have come up with a super simple timeline and put together some tips that will get you ready for your wedding day primping!

5-6 Months Prior

  • start your skincare regimen - meet with an esthetician to find the right products and treatments for you and your desired results. Discuss your skin goals and be realistic with what you are willing to commit to before your BIG day.

  • Experiment with new hairstyles & colors - begin thinking about what style you would like for your wedding and if need be start growing out your hair for desired style. 

  • nutrition and exercise - did you know 20% of the nutrients you consume reaching your dermis(skin)? Start developing healthy exercise and eating habits. Consider cutting back on sugar, you will notice a HUGE difference in inflammation and breakouts! (Mariah's note - In 2017 I gave up sugar totally, and I went from someone who had cystic acne to having near flawless skin! I'm a huge advocate for a sugar free diet!)

3-4 Months Prior

  • book your glam squad - do not wait until the last minute! bridal stylist in both hair and makeup book up quickly! never forget that your hair and makeup stylist are single handedly responsible for the way you will be immortalized in your wedding photos. there are plenty of places in your wedding budget you can cut corners, but we at Pampered & Pretty do not recommend to skim on your bridal beauty budget!
  • schedule a facials - speak with your esthetician and plan facials for every 4-6 weeks. this will allow you to correct problems that you are having with your skin. (Mariah's note - I highly recommend a chemical peel or microdermabrasion to encourage exfoliation and keep your skin glowing!)
  • test drive a spray tan - there are so many options out there for spray tans! you've got your at home tanning and your professional tanning. we recommend you give them both a test run! it's a safe bet to try some formulas out before the big day, no one wants to be orange in their wedding photos!

1-2 Months Prior

  • attend trial runs - attend your trial run with your glam squad! make sure you have a solid plan for the day of your wedding. trials are VERY IMPORTANT so be completely honest with your hair and makeup artist about the look you'd like to achieve! (Mariah's note - start a Pinterest inspo board, it helps so much to build an outline of what you like and don't like!)
  • consider teeth whitening - invest in your smile! there are many methods of teeth whitening. it's as simple as an at home treatment or you can always find a great groupon deal for professional whitening!
  • be consistant - keep it up with your skin care and hair care routine. these are the crucial months before the wedding where stress will be at an all time high and your skin will start betraying you!

2 Weeks Prior

  • eat healthy - now's not the time to make poor eating choices. it's easy to grab for comfort food in this stressful time, instead opt for something a little more healthy. consider cutting out sugar and carbs, always ask your doctor first! cutting carbs and sugar will help with water bloating and your skin will start to clear up from eating cleaner diet! 
  • confirm appointments - reach out to your glam squad, make sure that you have your timeline established!
  • hair touch ups - get a little trim and color touch-up! don't try anything new, stick with your stylist who knows your hair and what you like. 
  • exfoliate and moisturize - keep your skin glowing by exfoliating and moisturizing with products that you know will not break you out. don't forget your neck, decollete, hands and arms (especially those elbows)!
  • groom your groom - does your man need a haircut? remind him now, he may forget in the coming week. depending on his hair style he may need to get it cut this week or the next. 

1 Week Prior

  • drink lots of water - this week is full of friends and celebration - which usually means alcohol consumption! keep yourself balanced with lots of water. your body will thank you by looking fresh.
  • waxing - bikini, brows, underarms, legs. feel free to wax anything and everything that you've waxed in the past. do them a week ahead in case of any extra sensitivity.
  • face prep - exfoliate and use a facial mask that you've already used before. if you are getting regular facials, you should get your last one this week to get that extra glow for the big day!
  • pedi & mani - make sure you are feeling confident about the state of your nails by getting a professional nail treatment! don't forget that left hand is going to get a lot of attention with that beautiful ring on it! (Mariah's note - try getting a gel mani and pedi. gel polish has made my life so much easier. no dry time and the polish should stay polish for WEEKS. think about booking your appointment three days before the wedding, that way you have gorgeous nails for your rehearsal as well!)
  • rest rest rest - make sure to get as much rest as you possibly can so you look and feel your best during all the celebrations! consider meditating or using yoga before bed to calm your mind and allow you to switch off for the night. 
  • get your glow - now's the time to launch your fake tan plan. if you are getting a professional tan, they should have let you know when to come in. If you are DIY-ing start applying the tanning lotion/mousse as directed and how you tested!

Wedding Day

  • BE ON TIME - being late to your glam squad appointments will cause unwanted stress and pressure on everyone. Make sure you are organized and on time. If you need, send your bridal party out for coffee instead of picking it up yourself. your maids are there to serve you on your big important day, don't be afraid to ask for help!
  • dress the part - wear something cute and easy to remove to all of your appointments. (Mariah's note - matching robes are easy to find, work perfectly as bridesmaid gifts and adorable in photos!)
  • eat something - don't forget to eat. the last thing you want is to run out of energy on the dance floor. try to stay healthy!
  • relax and enjoy - you have made it! today is one of the most important rememberable days of your life. think about your loved one and smile. Enjoy every moment of the day!

We hope this has proven helpful for you! We are also including a shopping list of  some of our favorite products that go along with this timeline! Enjoy!